At times when I see and hear droves of young people who are delving further and further into the utterly useless cycle and culture of gossip hoarding, ego-maniacal, celebrity obsessed and inattentive behavior, I have to go back to the words and lessons of people whom I often look to for guidance and wisdom...One such person is Mumia Abu-Jamal. For a long while now his informative and eye opening Prison Radio essays on the social injustices and covert political mechanisms that exist within America have been nothing short of stellar.
While most people wallow in the recent outbursts from Joe Wilson, Kanye West and Serena Williams we all seem to have overlooked the one that preceeded them all and was by far more important. What I speak of is the recent resignation of Special Advisor for Green Jobs with the Obama Administration, Anthony "Van" Jones. Earlier this month videotape of Jones calling Republicans "Assholes", among other fairly mild (and pretty accurate) insults surfaced and the wild accusations and fingerpointing from the right wing ensued. Jones was unfairly labeled a "Racist" and a "communist", eventually leading him to step down from his position and many, myself included, began to wonder what the future of his uber important work would be.
Sit back and Listen as Mumia breaks down precisely what happened and how it isn't the first time this tactic from the nonsensical Faux News pundits and the radical right stoked political pressure to remove someone like Jones who's primary interests were for Black and Hispanic folks making little money or that were unemployed...
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