Giving us a righteously dope single off his new release "The Madlib Medicine Show No. 1: Before The Verdict", Lib' proves once again that he's hands down thee most consistent busiest beast of a producer in the game right now...Seriously, this man puts all these cats that take two years to drop new stuff to shame...
Containing 17 original and "OJ Simpson Remix" tracks the "Madlib Medicine Show No. 1: Before The Verdict" is a breathe of fresh air and the first of 12 monthly album mixes that lib will drop in 2010....This edition preps us all for the impending collabo album with Strong Arm Steady Guilty Simpson tentatively titled "OJ Simpson".
What can I say about "Kill Em" besides the fact that Guilty sounds more sociopathic and paranoid than ever and Lib always comes through with the sample heavy heat...
Madlib - Kill Em (OJ Simpson Remix)
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