Brand newness from one of the underground's best group's Mass Influence.
I'm a bit late posting this up, it actually dropped on the 1st of June, buthey, you know as soon as I was alerted to it's existence I had to do the damn thing.
"Morning Breathe Chasers" is a great look that sports wonderful (yes wonderful!) prodction from Devil McDOOM, who composes a great boom bap creation laced with a great sample flip for the underground Atlanta collective to rock over. I still hear some of the older members rhymin', but included wit the track's description as being an ode' to everyone's wake up anthems is the note that the group members now consist of Rubix, H2O, Cognito and Spearhead X.
Instrumental also included, hopefully this leads to a new album of some sort.
spotted by my man 50 grand, Drasar Monumental of Hip-Hop Battlefield
1 comment:
Respect for putting your own words to things. You checked the material before you posted it, instead of just taking your friend's word for it. I'd also like to add that you can never be late with exposing music. It has no expiration date so anything unheard, becomes new to whoever is listening.
You actually help the promotion of music when you don't post it at the same time as others. If every site posted the same thing on the same day, it would be the extent of that music's push. Meanwhile, not everyone may have been on the internet in that same day.
Props for doing your background checks. McDoom is definitely on our team and he's got more tracks on the upcoming LP. Anoither big up to you for plugging your folks who put you onto this. It's not the exact same scenario but, a lot of sites take original posts from other sites and never give credit to them... or video footage that someone else shot and slap their own logo on top of it. Giving credit where it's due is becoming a thing of the past... so proper credit goes to you and yours for keeping the vibes organic.
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