Updating a whole heap of people that aren't familiar with his productions, High Water Music and HipHopDx.com drop this completely free mix of DJ Spinna's finest and brightest moments behind the boards....Combining his plethora of underground collabo's as well as some of the joints that crossed over to hit more mainstream heads, this is a pretty defining mix that comes right before Spinna unleashes his new album "Sonic Smash" later in 09'....
I have to say that the inclusion of Sadat X's "Plan X" and Big Kwam's "Verbalize" were really dope, both being two of Spinna's more slept on beats. you'll instantly be drawn to this tape as it includes joints from when Spinna was owning his spot on the Rawkus Records roster, some Jigmastas cut's, some Polyrhythm Addict stuff and a few of his best remixes too....
The only other thing that I think could have added to the mix and really set things off woulda been some of Spinna's new journey's into dub step production. Other than that this tape pretty much should serve as a great introduction to Spinna's music.
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