It was On this day 40 years ago, in 1968 that Martin Luther King Jr. was in Memphis Tennessee to support sanitation workers who were being mistreated. On April 4th at exactly 6:01 PM, while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel Dr. King was struck in the side of the face by an assassin's bullet. He was only 39 years old.
I grew up learning a lot about Dr. King, the Civil Rights movement and admiring him deeply for what he stood for. My parents kept his books in the house and often when I felt troubled I would reference them, and try my best to channel his strength. I know that this blog is devoted mainly to hip-hop, but I also cover the events that shape the urban world as well. Every cat in the game that makes money through dialogue and every minority that speaks freely and from his heart should also thank King, for without him things would be tremendously different. He was a prophet and a true champion of equality. Words alone cannot describe how indebted we as Americans and minorities are to him. The things he endured while on this treacherous earth go without saying. Blind Hate, Racism, classism and almost every other "ism" was thrown at him like bricks. He never hated back though, and he never raised his hand in anger. He was the ultimate in level headedness and logic. He guided people toward better lives, and respected everyone's opinion. He is the real super hero, who gave his life for the better treatment of others. If anyone was ever worthy of being granted entrance into heaven, it would be Dr. King, for he truly embodied all those things that he preached. Honesty, equality, caring, knowledge and will. This country has for a long time benefitted from his work, and while the cynics label him as just a "dreamer", I prefer to think of him as someone that made his dreams into reality, even if they were only momentary or fleeting. Dr. King did accompish many, many things, and for that I will always regard him as someone who served bravely, valiantly and with the greatest purpose. Rest in peace to him, I hope he knows that we have not forgotten him, or his message of non-violence, having dreams and working toward a better future.
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