For all those that have been patiently waiting for Tame One (one half of the legendary and now defunct New Jersey hip-hop duo Artifacts) to drop something new, today your wait is over. Tame One has been quietly making small moves on the underground scene and never truly "vanished" or anything, but for most casual fans that don't really mess with teh net, it's been awhile since they heard Tame One drop something new. Fret no longer my friends, a new project is here. Yes, that's right, Tame One has returned to the game armed with his saavy wordplay and thought provoking song themes as well as his always intact sense of humor. Tame has also returned with another new running partner in the form of his new full time producer Parallel Thought, who also handles the bulk of the production duties on "Da' Old Jersey Bastard". Parallel shines in many instances although I can't deny that I would probably prefer hearing Tame over some Buckwild, T-Ray or J. Cardim beats, but I am really just excited that he's back out on the scene, doing what he does best; making thought provoking music. Tame One seems at ease in his new role of seasoned veteran, spewing out interesting line after interesting line like he never even took a hiatus. Now don't be expecting a masterpiece or anything, there was plenty of shit on here that I wasn't feeling. Inparticuliarly the attempts at sounding "modern". This isn't award winning type stuff, but it's still pretty solid fodder. Be sure to check out the Del The Funky Homosapien and Sean Price guest spots on here, as well as the joints "J Dilla Summer Camp Unplugged", "The Night Cap (After The Jam)" and the 7 minute banger "Now". Welcome back Tame!
01 Da Ol' Jersey Bastard: Live & Uncut
02 Action Word
03 Against The Grain
04 Move Ft. Mr. Turner
05 Haha Da Rah Rah Ft. Sean Price
06 J Dilla Summer Camp Unplugged
07 Milk Of Magnesia
08 Supanatural
09 Catch Me Ft. Del The Funky Homosapien
10 For You
11 The Night Cap (After The Jam)
12 Now