Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Video: Black Milk - Gotta Go

The self proclaimed savior to The D AKA Black Milk drops off another new vid from his latest LP, the brazenly titled "Album Of The year" (that thus far has proven to be anything but).

"Gotta Go" is thee standout track on the entire album and I have started a couple of my days this week w/ it blaring in my headphones...Maybe the album as a whole wasn't "as advertised", but this jawn is def. well is the vid Milk did up for it that follows him through the streets (and a parking garage?) of Detroit, MI.

Directed by a cat named Anthony Garth , who's worked with everyone from The White Stripes to Phat Kat.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hell yeah Black Milk is the truth.
