Saturday, February 19, 2011

News: Blake Griffin Wins 2011 NBA Slam Dunk Contest

So there it went baby...Blake Griffin holds the crown in his town and somewhat lived up to his top billing, closing things out by hopping over the hood of a brand new Kia while a baptist choir and Kenny Smith backed him up...What a finish right? (Unless your Demar DeRozan, who had a legit beef for not gettin in that final round)

At the end of the day though, as a whole the 2011 NBA Slam Dunk contest was a success and came back in a big way. It was monumentally better than it had been in the past few years and proved that if the contestants are willing, they can push the envelope that much further...word to Daryl Dawkins' suit and Dr. J stealing a kiss from Mama Mcgee...



Jimmy said...

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