Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oddisee Music Presents...Odd Summer EP

Oddisee has really owned 2008 and 2009....Hitting us again and again with release after release of good, underground boom bap. On "Odd Summer" we have yet again another semi-potent dose of Oddisee's great production and emceeing. Filled primarily with Instrumental tracks there are some exclusive works on here that staunch Oddisse fans haven't heard anywhere else, i.e. "In Your Eyes", "Sligo Creek" and the "That Day" instrumental....

On a lil' side note in case your wondering about the cover artwork (which is one of the more stunning sunset's I've ever seen and I live in Colorado), it's a real photo of Omdurman (Khartoum, Sudan) that Oddisee took himself....Apparently he spent every summer there growing up....Lucky cat right? Enjoy the EP....Oddissee for best artist of 2009!


1. In Your Eyes
2. Sligo Creek
3. Sand To The Beech
4. When Everything Changed
5. Chocolate City Dreaming
6. Viva Brasil
7. That Day
8. That Day ft. Muhsinah

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