The longtime writer, blogger and all around campy wordsmith that we all love AKA Ron Mexico recently announced via XXLMagazine.com that his tenure at the magazine, writing one of it's best column is now over.
Handing us tons of hilarious "gotcha" moments and keeping the rap world's elite on their quotable toes, RM's innovative, unabashed style serves as the snarky inspiration to cats like myself and hundreds of others who often get labeled as "haters" just for speaking candidly. On the contrary, I think it's out of love more so than animosity that RM did what he did in his column. It's because of writers like him that take ig'nance to task that we might have a good tolerable balance of cognizance and mindlessness in this culture. I for one will miss the "Negro Please" column, but will also be checking in on Ron at his new residence, Ron Mexico City.
Here's RM's last hurrah blog post, which he titled "Before I Self Destruct", explaining the latest on his move:
*soft guitar strum*
Now it’s time…to say goodbye/
to all our Negro [Please] friends./
Sorry about the title. I thought it was really dramatic and might lure you into reading this. I see it worked. I’m not falling apart or imploding by any means. In fact, I’m making more progress than ever.
As most of you are aware by now, I am leaving XXL and the Negro Please column today. I’d like to take this time to clear up some of the speculation and misconceptions surrounding the changes.
-Ron Mexico did not get fired.
-Ron Mexico is not angry at XXL. Hence, he hasn’t stormed off or protested like he did at a certain amphibian-colored rap website whose out-of-control reader community is setting a new gold-standard for niggorance in the online hip-hop.
-Ron Mexico loves you. It’s not you. It’s me. No nullus.
-Ron Mexico uses the third person when referring to himself in bullet points. He can’t help it.
Read the rest here