13 brand new bangers from one of the, if not thee most promising new faces in the game today...
The Brooklynite MC and all around deep thinker known as Sene barrows the title of one of my fav. 90's, Gen X'er, coming of age flicks, and molds his own mixtape release and theme...
"Reality Bites" doesn't have any powerful sexual tension between a young Winona Ryder and Ethan Hawke, but it does have Sene's usual dose of highly reflective and floating lyricism...Checking in to assist Sene on this journey is frequent collaborator Blu as well as Von Pea of Tanya Morgan...
brought to us by DJBooth.net, 2DopeBoyz.com, Kevin Nottinham and RubyHornet.com
Sene Starring In...Reality Bites.
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