A fish market often can be a place to find nourishment that not only will be healthy, but also expose you to new sources of nutrition that can become longtime favorites. It can be a smorgasbord of various things, none of which really are good or bad, but just varying. In knowing that, it’s fitting that Chali 2na’s newest release is called The Fish Market Pt.2. Undertaking a variety of musical textures and paths, the former Jurassic 5′er flexes some of his more diverse offerings on the second “Fish Market” mix, and just like some of the aroma’s you might encounter in a real open air market, at times you’ll be attracted and at other times you might choose to steer clear of what’s laid before you.
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As ballsy as it is to include a curse word in your album’s title, some things just need to be said. As many a purist would, I wholeheartedly concur with the sentiments evoked in said title of PackFM’s new album I F*cking Hate Rappers. It’s long past the time for someone, anyone, from the Hip-Hop community to speak on the utter silliness and off-putting practices that are now invading virtually every facet of Hip-Hop. Attempting to tackle these new found desecration’s toward the culture is a longtime underground hero from QN5’s well stocked stable; Brooklyn wordsmith PackFM…
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